The young adults ministry at NEXT has officially started! We currently meet weekly in a community group setting as we look to grow our relationships with the Lord & each other. Don't know what a community group is? Find out here.
Between Phoenixville & Harleysville there is a place for you as we launch this ministry to reach and be in community with 18-35 y/o followers of Christ! Outside of our weekly meetings, we host events to bring us together during the week including worship nights, bonfires, holiday-themed parties & more! We can't wait for you to be a part. Fill out this community group form & we'll get you connected asap.
<< Follow us on instagram @youndadults_next for more details & updates. >>
Between Phoenixville & Harleysville there is a place for you as we launch this ministry to reach and be in community with 18-35 y/o followers of Christ! Outside of our weekly meetings, we host events to bring us together during the week including worship nights, bonfires, holiday-themed parties & more! We can't wait for you to be a part. Fill out this community group form & we'll get you connected asap.
<< Follow us on instagram @youndadults_next for more details & updates. >>